Dari padang gurun hingga ke belantara posmodernisme: Refleksi perjalanan spiritualitas gereja
Desert Spirituality, postmodern, church, constructive theologyAbstract
In the Old Testament, the metaphor of the "desert" is quite central in the spiritual image of God's people. In the ancient world, the reality of the wilderness was a pivotal point in Israel's encounter with God. Associated with the life of the church today, the reality of postmodernism becomes a new challenge that causes distortion and fragmentation between orthodoxy, orthopathy, and orthopraxy in church life. This essay aims to examine how desert spirituality can be integrated into the contemporary Christian life. This study uses a qualitative approach with socio-theological analysis. The results of this study are expected to develop a critical awareness of the church about the complex social meaning of desert spirituality practices that can be integrated into postmodern social reality as a transformational practice of personal life, service, and society.
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