Menemukan Tuhan dalam Segalanya: Analisis Spiritualitas Kristiani dalam Puisi


  • Novita Dewi Universitas Sanata Dharma



Ignatian Spirituality, poetry, prayer, spiritual exercises, doa, latihan rohani, puisi, Spiritualitas Ignasian


As a language of devotion, poetry can help people gain peace and understanding about themselves, each other, and the world around them. This article explores a number of world poetry that tells about the presence of God. Based on the contemplative relationship between poetry and spirituality, the aim of this study is to examine how God the Creator is present and represented in poetry. Using the hermeneutic-interpretative method of analysis, the research data which include six poems from various countries were analyzed with the conceptual framework being (1) poetry as a prayer and (2) Ignatian Spirituality, i.e., a spiritual practice to affirm that God is present in our world and active in our lives. The reading of the selected poems shows that God can indeed be found in everything. First, God is present in the universe and everything living in it. Second, having gone through various struggles, the characters or speakers in the poems find God within themselves. Third, the face of God is visible in others because humans are created in His image. The conclusion is that studying God's presence in poetry can contribute to the narratives of one's spiritual journey. Abstrak Sebagai bahasa pengabdian, puisi dapat membantu orang memperoleh kedamaian dan pengertian tentang diri sendiri, sesamanya, dan dunia di sekitarnya. Artikel ini membahas sejumlah puisi lintas negara yang mengkisahkan kehadiran Tuhan. Bertumpu pada relasi yang berpatutan antara puisi dan spiritualitas, tujuan studi ini adalah meneliti bagaimana Sang Pencipta hadir dan direpresentasikan dalam puisi. Metode interpretasi hermeneutik dipakai untuk menganalisis data yang berupa enam puisi dari berbagai negara dengan kerangka pikir (1) puisi sebagai doa dan (2) Spiritualitas Ignasian, yaitu latihan rohani yang menegaskan bahwa Tuhan hadir di dunia dan aktif dalam kehidupan kita. Hasil pembacaan sejumlah puisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Tuhan sungguh dapat ditemukan dalam segalanya. Pertama, di alam raya dan segala isinya Tuhan hadir. Kedua, setelah melalui pelbagai pergumulan, tokoh atau pembicara dalam puisi menemukan Tuhan dalam dirinya sendiri. Ketiga, wajah Tuhan terlihat dalam diri sesama karena manusia diciptakan sesuai citraNya. Sebagai simpulan, kajian puisi tentang kehadiran Tuhan dapat menambah alur kisah perjalanan spiritual seseorang

Author Biography

Novita Dewi, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Novita Dewi teaches at Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia. Among her research grants earned are ASIA Awards, ASF Collaborative Grant; Loyola University of Chicago International Research Project; Erasmus Mundus Staff Mobility Award, and several Indonesian Government Grants. She publishes internationally with Asian Englishes, Kritika Kultura, Al Jami??"ah, GemaOnline, and 3L as well as nationally accredited journals. Her research interests include Postcolonial Literature, Popular Culture, and Language Education.


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How to Cite

Dewi, Novita. 2020. “Menemukan Tuhan Dalam Segalanya: Analisis Spiritualitas Kristiani Dalam Puisi”. KURIOS (Jurnal Teologi Dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen) 6 (2):227-39.


