Keteladanan Yesus Sebagai Guru Menurut Injil Matius dan Aplikasinya Bagi Guru Sekolah Minggu GPdi ??SBethesda⬝ Merauke Papua


  • Nike Sadi Pampang Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Jember



Teacher modeling in carrying out church mission is very important. The teacher as a spiritual leader is crucial for success or failure ministry in spiritual educational, as well as education in all life fields. All educational institutions require theachers not only to be good at teaching but also as role models, as well as in Sundy school education in the church there needs to be a model teacher. The Gospel of Matthew gives an example that Jesus is the example of creative teacher. Specially the verb of didasko (teaching) with various forms used nine times to describe the activity of Jesus as a teacher. The activity of Jesus is more often informed by the word teaching (didasko = teaching) rather than the verb of preaching (kerusso = preaching). That Is why Jesus called the Teacher as a creative teacher, the teaching methods used by Jesus are not monotonous but varies according to the place, circumstance and needs of His students or listeners. The purpose of this research is to describe the example of Jesus as a teacher according to Matthew, to describe the extent of the exemplary teachers of Sunday School of the GPdI ??SBethesda⬝ Merauke Papua to recommend the application of Jesus example as a teacher based on the Gospel of Matthew for Sunday School teachers in the GPdi Church. This research uses a qualitative approach; research paradigm, theological phenomenology, because it uses the interpretation of the text in the context of the Gospel of Matthew as a theoretical basis. Data source from 44 participants of Sunday School teachers in GPdI ??SBethesda⬝ Merauke. Methods and techniques of collecting interview data. Data analysis using the theory of Miles and Huberman. Conclusion: The Gospel of Matthew shows Jesus as the best teacher and can be emulated by all Sunday School teachers, example: in terms of His caling to receive a vision to serve, carry out a mission as a teacher, understand His purpose to serve in His personality is characterized, have integrity, charismatic, to be responsible, positive thinking, have ethos, nice worl, confidence, extensive knowledge, pull yourself together. In His spirituality includes centering on God, living in prayer, living righteously, living holy. In the professionalism of His ministry that is focused on goals and tasks, understanding children??"s psychology, mastering teaching materials, skillful planning, skillful carrying out, skillful evaluating, skillful assessing as a communicator, as a facilitator. Having the ability to serve children is a thing, very important and can not be ignored because children are. The assets of the church and the next generation of God??"s church. Therefore the role of a teacher in serving Sunday School children must be an important concern in a pastoral hearing, because church leaders and teachers have a great responsibility for the growth of faith in Sunday School children.



How to Cite

Pampang, Nike Sadi. 2020. “Keteladanan Yesus Sebagai Guru Menurut Injil Matius Dan Aplikasinya Bagi Guru Sekolah Minggu GPdi ??SBethesda⬝ Merauke Papua”. KURIOS 4 (2).