Jurusan Praktika di SMA


  • Natanael Heru Susanto Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Pelita Bangsa Jakarta




This article will explain the reasons why the jurusan praktika di SMA is important program in education? system of Indonesia.?? One of reasons for the failure of the students reaching their achievement may be the lack of acceptance of their parents or teachers to their interest and capability.? These are crucial elements for developing students intellectual, skill, and personality.?? Indonesian education system, for example, actually has developed the education institutions named Professional School to meet these need, but some of them had been closed for some reasons.? I think, however, these should be opened for giving a chance to student whose special talent.? Or, the other way to solve this problem is to change the name of Professional School into Junior High School with some special program whereas the Junior High School can add a program titled Praktika beside IPA and IPS.


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How to Cite

Susanto, Natanael Heru. 2018. “Jurusan Praktika Di SMA”. KURIOS 1 (1):50-55. https://doi.org/10.30995/kur.v1i1.12.